out of the dark, rest in peace #11, uk, 2010 (air defense eliminated 23 bombers on their night missions to london)
fat man rising, rest in peace #75, tinian, 2014 (north field was once the biggest and busiest airport in the world! fat man and little boy took off from here to hiroshima and nagasaki)
russian finning, rest in peace #86, usa, 2016
armistice, rest in peace #105, uk, 2018 (ub-122 was a german ww1 submarine that was surrendered to britian in nov. 1918. why it ended up on sandbank in the river medway is unknown)
old friend gus, rest in peace #64, iceland, 2012 (most remote cold war radar outpost with wind gust of up to 150km/h on 300 days a year)
colonial half-life scars, rest in peace #50, australia, 2012 (maralinga: british nuclear bomb test station, abandoned in the late 60s)
early retirement, rest is peace #73, 2014, saipan (this sherman quit before the battle of saipan started and since 70 years is a playground of reef fish)
unimpeded massive retaliation, rest in peace #36, USA, 2011 (safeguard anti-ballistic missile system, 8y development, congress decided to shut it down after 1 day of full operation)
floating shallow, rest in peace  #81, palau, 2015 (japanes 'jake' seaplane hiding under water since 70 years)
mulberry b, rest in peace #105, france, 2024 (after d-day the allies started the construction of an artificial port. 529000 tons of supplies came through here in 1944 to help win over nazi germany)
rest in peace #95, croatia, 2017 (largest underground airport for 80 mig aircraft and 1500 workers. nuclear bomb proof. destroyed in 1991 in the balkan war)
concrete battleship, rest in peace #71, philippines, 2014 (built in 1909 by the USA it was catured by Japan in 1942 before the USA recaptured it in 1945 by pouring gasoline and igniting it)
echo of the alps, rest in peace #85, italy, 2015 (this ace high radio system was one of 82 nato sites in europe using uhf troposcatter radio systems).
subcutaneous flaneur, rest in peace #66, norway, 2013 (nato submarin base in a manmade cave)
devil's debris, rest in peace #100, germany, 2017 (US cold war listening station built on a 75mio m3 manmade hill from rubble and debris from ww2 destroyed berlin. Up to 1500 people worked here to spy on the warsaw pact)
rest in peace #93, spain, 2017
global warming, rest in peace #38, canada, 2011 (norad anti-missile system)
rest in peace #102, ukraine, 2017 (the duga antenna was a 750m wide & 150m high antenna to monitor rocket launches up to 15000km away. located 10km from chernobyl it had to be abandoned in 1986)
rest in peace #94, croatia, 2017 (a c-47 left behind when the yugoslavien army left this airport facility in 1991 during the balkan war)
b-52 remix, rest in peace #87, usa, 2016
diorama, rest in peace #98, germany, 2017 (hq of the red army in east germany built this windowless building that contained a 360 degree painting of the ww2 victory over berlin. the painting was removed when the red army had to leave germany in 1994)
apocalypse lao, rest in peace #79, laos, 2015 (the cia's secret airstrip in long cheng with up to 400 planes per day from 1964-73 made laos the most bombed country in the world)
rest in peace #91, vietnam, 2016
zero, rest in peace #79, palau, 2015 (jap.zero near airport of peleliu, unknown if the pilot survived)
subzero, rest in peace #83, palau, 2015 (jap.zero in shallow water, unknown if the pilot survived)
zen or the art of airplane maintenance, rest in peace #58, ukraine, 2012 (inherited from the ussr the ukraine is undecided if they don't need or can't maintain the migs)
cloud symphony, rest in peace #60, uk, 2012 (experimental listening devices)
dracula is dead, rest in peace #56, ukraine, 2012 (radiostation deep inside the carpathian mountains at the border to romania)
hellion of the deep, rest in peace #45, poland, 2011 (torpedo testing station from the nazi days)
rest in peace #88, usa, 2016
borderline, rest in peace #67, russia, 2013 (lost radar station on remote kola peninsula close to nato border)
submarine martyrdom, rest in peace #77, japan, 2014 (kaiten kamikaze training center)
empty space, rest is peace #76, saipan, 2014 (former Pacific Barrier Radar 111 built in 1988 to detect/track foreign missile and low orbit satellite launches of USSR/China. Abandoned in the 90s)
autumn blessing, rest in peace #68, russia, 2013 (ss25 rocket launch silo)
rest in peace #32, croatia, 2011 (ex-yugoslavia military airplane facility that could hide 100 planes and 2000 workers)
rest in peace #89, usa, 2016
self-deception, rest in peace #46, bunker, latvia, 2011
sinking the putt, rest in peace #38, canada, 2011 (norad aerospace defense radar system)
paradox of infinity, rest in peace #52, crimea, 2012
rest in peace #25, french fort, mauretania, 2011
hydra's den, rest in peace #55, crimea, 2012 (balaklava: former in-mountain base of russia's nuclear submarines - underwater entrance on the left side)
rest in peace #4, ww2 air strip, australia, 2009
devil's radio, rest in peace #47, latvia, 2011 (radio telescope rt 32)
rest in peace #74, saipan, 2014 (japanese tank 'hiding' in the bush since more than 70 years)
mauerwald, rest in peace #48, poland, 2011 (ww2 bunker of 'oberkommando des heeres')
rest in peace #21, ww2 bunker, usa, 2010
faith crosses every border, rest in peace #31, croatia, 2011 (ex-yugoslavia military airport on the border to B&H)
conventional dogma, rest in peace #39, canada, 2011 (norad aerospace system)
rest in peace #51, crimea, 2012
rest in peace #62, UK, 2012 (air defense eliminated 23 bombers on their night missions to london)
rest in peace #57, ukraine, 2012 (radiostation deep inside the carpathian mountains at the border to romania)
rest in peace #5, wind vane ww2 air strip, australia, 2009
rest in peace #49, ww2 bunker of 'oberkommando des heeres', poland, 2011
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